Downs Law Firm, P.C.

Laurel Maryland Estate Planning Blog

Pope Francis inspires

Pope Francis Inspires All Seniors

Pope Francis’ willingness to work despite knee pain that has made walking nearly impossible shows other older adults that they have wisdom and experience to offer younger generations, a top Vatican cardinal said Tuesday.

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Medicaid Asset Protection Trust

Inheriting a House with a Mortgage?

Dealing with the loss of a loved one is never easy. When inheritances, homes, estates and mortgages are involved, tensions can run high within a family. It is easy to get lost in the paperwork and terms.

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protecting inheritance from divorce

Protecting Inheritance from Divorce

Your dad bequeathed you a generous sum of money on his passing. Those gifted and inherited assets, in many instances, will be considered ‘separate property,’ not marital property. That might mean that they might not be subject to division, if you divorce. However, perhaps you want to backstop that hoped for result to make the protection more likely to stick if your marriage doesn’t work out.

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