What Is the Difference Between Dementia and Alzheimer’s?
Understanding the differences between Alzheimer’s and other types of dementia is crucial for early diagnosis and effective planning.
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Understanding the differences between Alzheimer’s and other types of dementia is crucial for early diagnosis and effective planning.
The Paralympics represent not just a competition but a celebration of human potential, resilience, and the power of sport to unite and inspire.
The world has changed, and it really isn’t a good idea to ignore your digital assets when estate planning. Estate planning has generally been about tangible assets through the years. However, now attention needs to be also focused on the digital world in order to be thorough, according to the North Bay Business Journal in “Your digital life likely will outlive you, so here’s how to bring your estate plan into the modern age.” Don’t think you have a digital identity and digital assets? For most of us, we need to take a closer look. Here are a few of your digital assets to consider: bank accounts, email accounts, Facebook page, Linked In profile, online photo albums, blogs and websites. They’re likely to be around long after you are gone. This is still a relatively new area of estate planning. What often happens is that heirs think they can simply find and use the decedent’s user name and passwords to access their accounts. However, what they learn, is that they are legally not permitted to do so. A new law was passed in 2017 in California that attempted to bring order to this chaos. The Revised Fiduciary Access to Digital Assets Act allows executors and trustees to obtain disclosure of a person’s digital assets, after the original owner dies but only under certain conditions. In the recent past, federal and state laws have made it hard for executors and trustees to gain access to these assets without a court order. Just being the executor or trustee does not automatically give you the right to access assets. There must be evidence that the decedent consented to disclosure. Having these access provisions in wills, trusts and powers of attorney is an evolving area. The new law mainly gave social media platforms and privacy advocates what they wanted: a requirement of prior consent before disclosure. However, the end result is that it is easier to gain access to digital assets, if executors and trustees can show that the decedent did consent to disclosure. However, it’s still not that simple. Here are a few steps to help your loved ones deal with your digital assets: Inventory every digital asset that you have. Create a list of log-in and password information, plus any “secret questions/answers.” Having a password program like “Lastpass” can be a great tool to allow for access and control for your decision maker. Tell your trusted family member or friend where that list is. Store it with your other estate planning documents, possibly in your attorney’s vault. Do not include your digital asset inventory, as part of your will. If your estate goes through probate, all of your account information will become part of the public record. An estate planning attorney can advise you on creating an estate plan that fits your unique circumstances and will most likely include digital assets. If you already have an estate plan, revisit the package with your estate planning attorney and take your digital assets
Ensure that your children’s futures are secure by starting a comprehensive estate plan during back-to-school time. Schedule a consultation today.
For some students, next semester means starting college, which may include leaving home for the first time.
When someone chooses a financial manager because they don’t want to hurt feelings, the result is often disastrous. It’s important to pick the most competent and trustworthy candidate.
Estate planning and divorce are intricate processes, each filled with legal nuances and detailed accounting (to say nothing of the emotions involved).
Life rarely remains the same and those changes mean it is time to take a fresh look at your estate plan. Time marches on and a person’s life changes. That creates the situation of there not being a doubt of whether an estate review is necessary but simply becomes a questions of when it will be reviewed, according to the New Hampshire Union Leader in “It’s important to periodically review your estate plan” Most people get their original wills and other documents from their estate planning attorney, put them into their safe deposit box or a fire-safe file drawer and forget about them. There are no laws governing when these documents should be reviewed, so whether or when to review the estate is completely up to the individual. That often leads to unintended consequences that can cause the wrong person to inherit, fracture the family and leave heirs with a large tax liability. A better idea: review the estate plan on a regular basis. For some people with complicated lives and assets, that means once a year. For others, every three or four years works. Some reviews are triggered by changes in life, including: Marriage or divorce Name Changes Death Large changes in the size of the estate A significant increase in debt The death of an executor, guardian or trustee Birth or adoption of children or grandchildren Change in career, good or bad Retirement Health crisis Changes in tax laws Changes in relationships to beneficiaries and heirs Moving to another state or purchasing property in another state Receiving a sizable inheritance Beneficiaries in need of protection due to Special Needs, creditors, or Tax Problems. What should you be thinking about, as you review your estate plan? Here are some suggestions: Have there been any changes to your relationships with family members? Are any family members facing challenges or does anyone have special needs? Are there children from a previous marriage and what do their lives look like? Are the people you named for various roles—power of attorney, executor, guardian and trustees—still the people you want making decisions and acting on your behalf? Does your estate plan include a durable power of attorney for healthcare, a valid living will, or if you want this, a DNR (Do Not Resuscitate) order? Has your estate plan addressed the possible need for Medicaid? Do you know who your beneficiary designations are for your accounts and are your beneficiary designations still correct? Your beneficiaries will receive assets outside of the will and nothing you put in the will can change the distribution of those assets. Have you aligned your assets with your estate plan? Do certain accounts pass directly to a spouse or an heir? Have you funded any trusts? Finally, have changes in the tax laws changed your estate plan? Your estate planning attorney should probably take a look at the impact of state law changes, as well as federal. Reference: New Hampshire Union Leader (Jan. 12, 2019) “It’s important to periodically review
Tony Bennett’s daughters are suing the trustee of his estate, highlighting the importance of clear estate planning to avoid family disputes.
Some of the options are less intrusive than a guardianship or a conservatorship. Sometimes, guardianships and conservatorships are necessary when some members of a family believe a loved one is becoming mentally or physically incapacitated. However, there are other options, according to On Common Ground News in the article “Alternatives to guardianship and conservatorship.” What is the difference between the two? These are legal proceedings that vary in name from State to State. In Maryland, these proceedings are guardianships and take two forms: Guardian of the person and guardian of the property. A Guardian of the person decides on living situation and most medical care: The Guardian of the property handles the property and lets the appointed person their ward’s finances and assets, buy and sell businesses, and enter into commercial transactions. Either process will involve a court proceeding, ordinarily with an attorney representing the family and a separate attorney representing the incapacitated person. Guardian of the person can sometimes be avoided by relying on the Maryland Health Care Surrogate law, which basically allows next of kin to make medical decisions for someone who does not sign a living will or health care power of attorney. This can be a good alternative to Court if the family is united in their decision-making. It doesn’t work well if they are not. Alternative options for the Guardian of the property include a Durable Power of Attorney (DPA), which permits a competent individual to name another person as their legal representative regarding finances and other matters. There can be specific instructions, and this also can include an agent who is named to make health care decisions. A DPA is broader in power than a living will and applies any time the individual becomes incapable of either making or communicating health care decisions on their own behalf. A second alternative is creating and funding a revocable living trust, where you can appoint a chain of command to manage assets in the Trust. Many of our clients name a trustee child or other individual as a co-trustee to be in the wings to manage assets at disability. Options like powers of attorney and trusts have the distinct advantage of allowing the person to lose the capacity to make decisions while there is still time. Perhaps the last stage can set the stage for future family functioning or dysfunction. We recently represented a family with a child that is developmentally delayed, as has recovered a personal indury settlement for damages that are causing the delay. We were in the Howard County Circuit Court asking a Judge to consider allowing the funds to be placed into a special needs trust format so that they would not need to be spent before the State could render aid. The Judge approved that my clients were able to make plans for their child that would not involve ongoing Court intervention and allowed our request. She recognized that the family was capable, caring, and trustworthy to do so. An estate planning