What Happens if I die without a will?
Estate problems can sometimes lead to a fractured family. We speak to many people who believe that if they die without a will, everything goes to the State. This is almost never the case. “Dying intestate” is the term used to describe the legal status of someone who has died without a will. The laws of your state law will then dictate what happens to your assets. Most of your tangible possessions will be distributed following probate. If your estate is complex, for example, and you own property in more than one state, the process will take a long time and the costs can be high. With a will, you can control who gets what, when they get it, and who is in control of the process. Without a will (or possibly a Revocable Living Trust), you have a plan, drafted by your legislature, but forfeit the right to decide these things. Some of your assets do not pass to heirs through a will. Jointly titled assets pass by title regardless of what your will might say. Other assets usually transfer at death by the contract that controls the asset, such as retirement accounts, life insurance policies and annuities. All accounts that have named beneficiaries go directly to the people who are named. If they predecease you, then the contingent beneficiary receives the asset. The companies do not care what your will instructs. Reconsidering your joint ownership decisions and beneficiary designations are important parts of reviewing your entire estate plan. If you name only your son as the beneficiary for your insurance policy, then later welcome a daughter into your family by birth or adoption, you’ll want to add her as a named beneficiary as well. Otherwise, when you die, only your son will receive the proceeds. Anytime a life event occurs—births, deaths, divorces, marriages—is the right time to review your beneficiary designations. You can make these changes when you are living. When you die, the designation is irrevocable. A will—and an estate plan that is updated regularly—can prevent surprises and ensure that your choices are honored. Family members can end up feeling mistreated by the distribution of an estate. However, a good estate plan can help prevent those hard feelings from developing, according to the Observer-Reporter in “Improper estate planning can lead to familial conflict.” Keeping that plan current can lessen the trauma of something happening by oversight instead of intention. Here’s a celebrity story that serves as a perfect example. A famous father made his third wife his executor and gave her total control over his business, despite the fact that his son was equally famous and the top executive in that business, as well as its public face. The son was baffled when he learned that the third wife now controlled the business, including the rights to his own name. When the father died, a long, expensive and unpleasant estate battle began. The son was Dale Earnhardt Jr. An estate planning attorney can advise you in creating