Special Needs Child Requires Care-Filled Planning
As our children with disabilities grow older, and we ourselves grow older, the future can seem daunting. The future can be overwhelming.
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As our children with disabilities grow older, and we ourselves grow older, the future can seem daunting. The future can be overwhelming.
There’s a lot of prep work to complete when you’re expecting a new baby. Expectant parents have a nursery to paint, strollers to buy, doctor’s appointments to attend, and nannies to hire.
The wife did not have a durable power of attorney authorizing her spouse to act as her agent in selling the property and now apparently lacked the capacity to sign one.
Let’s face it: mortality is hard to think about, and death is impossible to plan for. What is doable, however, is getting affairs and assets in order to prevent loved ones from inheriting a headache and legal fees in the event of an incident.
Selecting appropriate guardians will ensure that your minor children are cared for, if you pass away.
While everyone from brand new parents to great grandparents can benefit from the advice of a competent estate planning lawyer, frequently the individuals making sure that their affairs are in order, are those in their golden years. They have a common concern: what about their grandbabies?