Estate Planning for Singles
If you don’t have a spouse and children, you might not think you need to do any estate planning—but that’s not the case.
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If you don’t have a spouse and children, you might not think you need to do any estate planning—but that’s not the case.
The legal controversy surrounding Britney Spears is no secret. Her father has controlled her career and finances since 2008, a position she’s been fighting against for years.
As family caregivers, we play many roles: scheduler, money manager, house cleaner, health aide, nurse, navigator, nurturer and more. Perhaps the most important role, though, is advocate, as we ensure the best life possible for our loved ones when they are vulnerable.
If you pass away without a will, state law generally decides who gets your assets and, if you have children, who will care for them.
Do you have accounts, records, or information that are accessed using your mobile phone, through an internet connection, or by using a keyboard, touch-screen, or tablet?
Building enough wealth to sustain yourself in retirement is a monumental achievement. However, financial planning doesn’t end when you no longer rely on a paycheck.
The possibility that a power of attorney might be rejected may be one reason not to simply pull a form off the internet and hope it will be accepted.
Estate planning documents often are treated like the photocopied permission slip for a child’s field trip. You fill in your name, include the children’s names and dates of birth, and sign. The document is filed away to be used if needed, but you really never expect it to be used.
The heirs to Henry Ford II – the eldest grandson of legendary Henry Ford – filed a legal challenge against their late patriarch’s attorney, Frank Chopin, who is now the champion of Ford’s widow, Kathleen DuRoss Ford, 80.
Many people are taking this time at home during the COVID-19 crisis to update their estate plan. Here are six critical estate plan components you should focus on in light of the current pandemic.